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President Pussy Grabber declares April Sexual Assault Awarness & Prevention Month, Daily Show

President Pussy Grabber declares April Sexual Assault Awarness & Prevention Month, Daily Show

President Pussy Grabber declares April Sexual Assault Awarness & Prevention Month, Daily ShowWho better to declare a national sexual assault awareness and prevention month than someone who brags about his unawareness of sexual assault and prevention?  Okay, Okay, other than Roger Ailes and Bill O’Reilly.

But it does not matter one wit to the majority of white women in America. After all, The Donald only grabs white women by the pussy. You see how much common sense Trump voters possess? It’s okay as long as he gives them more less than men, destroys their air, their water, their planet, their health care, public education for their kids, their reproductive rights, snarking at every country in the world other than Russia and most importantly, giving white ladies good jobs in the coal mines.