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President Trump Rescues Joe Arpaio as Hurricane Harvey destroys Texas

President Trump Rescues Joe Arpaio as Hurricane Harvey destroys Texas

President Trump Rescues Joe Arpaio as Hurricane Harvey destroys Texas

President Trump said he pardoned his racist pal Joe Arpaio on Friday night because it would get more media attention because of Hurricane Harvey coming to kill people in Texas.

But the President redeemed himself on Tuesday when he came here to Texas to brag about his crowd size to see him while forgetting to mention the suffering, the deaths, the pain and the drowned police officer.

It is what he and his supporters are. I have some of what they are a few feet from the front door here. After suffering four of these storms right on top of me now – Alicia, Allison, Ike and Harvey, we find the vernacular for the high water mark we call “storm scum.” Sticks, leaves, boards and that white foamy stuff which is where the term “Don’t get any onya” came from.

It is much like my epiphany back in 1993 which was the impetus for this website. Listening to Rush Limbaugh a lot got me going on the porcine bigot until I realized it was not about Rush Limbaugh, it was the 20 million porcine bigots that tuned him in every week that was the problem. Ugly is as ugly does.