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Preview, Special Spongebob Squarepants Episode, Jimmy Kimmel Live

Commercial for Special Spongebob Squarepants Episode Jimmy Kimmel Live

Jimmy Kimmel talks about Spongebob Squarepant’s new storyline, in which Spongebob is hit by the economic downturn and loses his job. His friend Patrick shows devastated Spongebob the up-side of unemployment…How to enjoy the unexpected free time, and how to keep body and soul together until he can find work again.

If you think this is an innocent children’s cartoon, we have a news flash for you!  Take a look at Nickelodeon’s shameless attempt to push global warming into young liberal’s minds in 2011. Stephen Colbert reports, and right wing media warned us.

Right wing media is still vigilant. They know the most recent storyline is just more propaganda for tots!  FOX: It’s okay to be a low-paid worker, the government will pick up the slack. Enjoy life, while hard-working newscasters keep the public appraised of this sponge-menace! Your tots are being recruited into the liberal army of big-government slackers, disguised as entertainment.

One more thing. Jimmy has a ‘special’ preview of Spongebob’s next episode. Conservatives are sure to be confused.