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PSA, Oh No Gay adoption!

gays adoptingGay adoption is much the same as gay marriage, intolerant bigots [oops, when religion is at play “intolerant” and “bigot” are not appropriate, please use either “family values”, “Christian values”, “conservative values”, or “faith based” which all mean “intolerant bigots”] don’t like it because after a while the statistics will arrive showing that  gays are at last as good as heterosexuals when it comes to marriage and children, and more than likely better.

Often when in discussions with homophobes as to why they need to discriminate they often refer to UNNATURAL ACTS or how disgusting they find such acts. There are two good responses for that. First is the fun one.

“So Bubba, do you spend as much time thinking about your parents having sex as you to gays having sex?”

Or the more reasoned response, “You know of course heterosexuals commit far far FAR more of those UNNATURAL ACTS than do Gays.

Have you noticed the response from Fox News, talk radio, Christians and Republican on Jason Collins in the NBA coming out as Gay?  Nothing nice to say about it at all. It’s all about how awful the media is or something. But never ever any celebration of social justice, or individuals rising above intolerance, or equality under the law, or the entire meaning of the 14th Amendment, equal protection under the law, or  just being nice or kind about anything at all…