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Psycho Talk: Ugly American Neal Boortz insults Katrina victims as Human Debris

President Barack Obama recently re-affirmed his commitment to rebuilding New Orleans, which is still in shambles four years after Hurricane Katrina.
There is plenty of blame and finger pointing to go around, but the President prefers to start making positive changes. As you’ll see, Boortz and his ilk feel that rebuilding New Orleans is a waste.

Neal Boortz appropriately took to Twitter to voice his Twit response,"Obama wants to rebuild, NO.  Build it and they will come." They are the same people Babs Bush was caught off camera hissing to her peeps – in an ugly moment, that "They never had it so good." She was referring to the refugees huddled without homes, clothing, and often family members in the Houston Dome.

Boortz further describes the Katrina refugees as "debris" having washed across the country, Katrina having cleansed New Orleans, and Katrina having washed out that debris. This purveyor of hate is celebrating his fourth year on the radio, perhaps it’s time to
inform his sponsors as well?