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Rachel, Mark McKinnon, The Presidents Speech, and Schoolhouse Crock

Rachel is joined by Daily Beast contributor Mark McKinnon, former advisor to both Bush and Sen McCain. They join forces for an often farcical discussion of the unprecedented conservative overreaction to President Obama’s speech to American students. The clip shows one heart breaking moment from 1988. Reagan was in his last month in office, addressing a classroom. A little girl asks a respectful and
very cogent question about further educational opportunities. The Gipper instantly assumes she means opportunities based on her dark complexion, and continues that to answer that he’s optimistic about “Negro colleges and universities.” There
was not one iota of public outrage. Years of bigotry are evident in her sweet little face.

For pure spittle throwing ire, you cannot beat the current spate of right wing pundits. Even after Obama’s excellent speech was lauded by many Republicans – even Karl Rove, the most negative and vociferous, who don’t all happen to hold office, such as Michelle Malkin and Monica Crowley still believe the exhortation to do well in school, be responsible for your education and your future, and wash your hands hides, subversive Mao-like messages!

When they see and hear President Obama’s truly inspirational speech, exhorting students to take responsibility, and likely feel nothing is impossible after hearing it, the Right knows better! They know it’s constructed with subliminal
messages. According to official mouth Michelle Malkin, “This is not simply a morale boosting speech that he’s giving.” Between she and Monica Crowley alone, it smacks of chairman Mao, N. Korea, and of underhanded attempts to influence how young people think! Rachel wonders aloud if they truly believe what they preach, McKinnon who has more experience with this group assures us that indeed they do believe it!