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Racist Don Yelton fired by North Carolina Republicans for Daily Show interview

“Matter of fact, one of my best friends is black.” GOP county chair Don Yelton.

Don Yelton racist

Though the real fun of this video is how Aasif Mandvi made a fool of Don Yelton without Don Yelton knowing it, the silliest moment came when after an endless stream of racist crap, Yelton blurted out the above statement – the most ubiquitous claim of every racist who ever opened their mouth. Well, here we see who that best friend must be.  Gosh… Not sure if that is Clarence Thomas or not.

I will leave you to deciding how racist the comments this Tea Party darling made in the interview, but let me share some of his better quotes since he was fired.

“I’ll resign my position as precinct chair gladly,I’ll give it up — the heck with it. I don’t want to be part of a group that is that mealymouthed and that gutless. There’s no political party that’s going to tell me what to say as long as I have breath in my body. This isn’t my first rodeo.” X GOP county chair Don Yelton.

There we have the Ted Cruz Tea Party attack on the Grand Old Party. And of course his admission that this is no the first time he has been accused of being a racist

“When a n***** can use the word n***** and it not be considered racist, that’s the utmost racism in the world, and it’s hypocrisy.” X GOP county chair Don Yelton.

And there we have a quote even more over used by every racist that ever lived than their “some of my my best friends ares black” crap.

“Kick the Democrats in the butt.” Don Yelton on North Carolina’s new voter ID laws will

But it was that one that got him fired. Yet another Republican letting the cat out of the bag of what the whole point of Voter ID laws are for, to suppress the vote of minorities, the poor and college students.

And what are the last words from Tea Party Republican Don Yelton? Here you go…

“I am not racist, never have been, and the ability of the local people and the media and the outlets to twist this into a racist issue shows exactly how willing the people are to be taken advantage of.” X GOP county chair Don Yelton.