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Radio Racist Michael Savage Sues Islam!

Denying that the Right-wing radio host Michael Savage (Mike Weiner) is not a racist is like saying hanging a noose on a black woman’s door is about knots.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations patched together a few minutes of racist clips you can hear in the audio below and used them as a fund raiser. CAIR has in the past called on advertisers to boycott Savage’s show which seems to be the reason for his lawsuit claiming his rights have been usurped. About as hypocriticomical as it gets as his rant is about usurping the rights of others by denying them due process.

Claiming the Koran is full of horrible violent crap while his own book, the Old Testament, is just as full of horrible violent crap is also about as hypocriticomical as it gets.

There is a bright side in this though, there was 4 minutes of the Michael Savage Program that was not railing against Mexicans and Negroes! Here Hear Mike!

This is where a link would usually go, but I have already spent too much time Googlin’ trying to find anything on this story other than such places as WorldNetDaily or freerepublic.com singing his praises.