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Rand Paul selling prom on the corner, Danziger Cartoon

Rand Paul sells prom

Rand Paul has quad tripled down on bringing back the 1998 party line impeachment of Bill Clinton, oral sex in the White House with Monica Lewinsky. [During and after the impeachment President Clinton’s positives hit an all time high of 71%]

Paul Rand does this as a political attack upon Bill Clinton’s cuckolded wife, Hillary. It is just another example in a long list of examples of the KIND OF PERSON Rand Paul happens to be.

Tea Party idol Rand Paul is the darling of the mainstream media for his so called “Big Tent Republicanism” wanting to bring African Americans, Hispanics and young voters into the GOP fold. Attacking a woman for her husband’s dalliances is one sure way to bring that to fruition. As is talking down to the African American community, saying he would not have voted for the Civil Rights act of 1965, and refusing to get behind any path to citizenship for our 12 million Hispanics here without papers.

Adding to all that, just the other day he began a civil law suit against President Barack Obama for the NSA goings on.

I hear over and over again that Rand Paul will be the 2016 GOP nominee and perhaps beat Hillary Clinton. When is the media and most of the rest of America going to wake up to ubber Looneytarian Tea Party little dickhead?

But no, he is billed as a great American crusader to end drone strikes, our only defense against NSA spying, and legalizing pot state by state. All of which is just meaningless political spin to muddy the truth. That truth being that Rand Paul is a bonifide Evangelical rabid Pro Live Christian creationist Tea Party Looneytarian who wants to put this country back 100 years. Wake up. Gee…