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Rand Paul wins CPAC straw poll for President!

r31713randHere is that 2 year old Rachel Maddow interview with Rand Paul on the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  He is okay because he only wants to allow you and I and every corporation to tell African Americans where they can eat, work, get a drink of water, sleep, take a pee and BE.

He asks if he is a bad person for his beliefs. He is about as bad as it gets in this world. His private joy in private racism aside, he is trying to destroy all unions in all states, deny all women all choice in all states, remove the federal safety net by eliminating Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, public education, environmental regulations, financial regulation and of course withdrawing from world affairs. It's not drones or killing people faraway that bothers Rand Paul, but the cost of it.  Add all that up and there you have the worst person in nationalelected office. Though Ted Cruz is nipping at this heels and may win that battle.

As to CPAC picking winners! Here you go…

1986     Jack Kemp
1987     Jack Kemp
1993     Jack Kemp
1995     Phil Gramm
1998     Steve Forbes
1999     Gary Bauer
2000     George W. Bush
2005     Rudy Giuliani
2006     George Allen
2007     Mitt Romney
2008     Mitt Romney
2009     Mitt Romney
2010     Ron Paul
2011     Ron Paul
2012     Mitt Romney
2013     Rand Paul

Hey, one out of 16 for president and 2 out of 16 for Republican Nominee ain't bad!