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Republican arsonists, Lukovich cartoon

Republican arsonists

Republican arsonists will burn it all down rather than give a black man the time of day.

Living down here in Dumbutt for 35 years I have learned how the racism works. It is okay for Blacks to fish down at our piers and docks. They are welcome to server us our Whataburgers. We are nice to them in their cubicles at work.  We have even adjusted to them moving into our neighborhoods as long as it’s just a few. But… Woe me unto any African American in any position of telling a white person what to do.

It seems the Republicans will get their way for some years to come by controlling the money, both in the election process and in the House which controls spending.  Both issues can only be fixed by a change in how elections are funded and how state legislatures gerrymander districts. Both of these most serious problems can only be changed by the Supreme Court. In the near term IMPEACH CLARENCE THOMAS. He is taking bribes and it is doable.

Or we could follow the Christian model with Pat Robertson and pray that all the Republicans on the court drop dead tomorrow.

Let me run this by again.

More change will come to this nation with one Republican Justice being replaced by one Democrat Justice than who controls the House, the Senate or the Presidency. It is why it is so imperative to hand the White House over to Hillary and keep it for 8 years in hopes that 12 years will see one of the Republican Justices fall away.  It will change America and the World.