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The Republican Benghazi Slut

Republican Benghazi Slut

Not ugly enough. Either representation.

So with Benghazi now proved to be the ugly crap the human community always knew it was, what’s the GOP to do? Of course they want to impeach President Obama but that wouldn’t look good. You know, looking good is what they are about.

Like the recent months of their full bore attack toward African Americans on every possible issueHas Fox News or the GOP said anything good about black people in recent memory? Well other than the ones who hit women and children and singling out Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Charles Barkley and Bill Cosby as role models.

The GOP tries even harder to looking good to Hispanics with 19 states following Texas to sue the President to put an immediate halt to work permits for 5 million Latinos so they can keep tearing those families apart. Which isn’t even enough for them in the LOOKING GOOD department. This week they are going to vote on legislation to keep on tearing Hispanic families apart even though they know they will lose both fights. They have a message to send their base. They are all about their base.

And not to forget the fight against clean air, clean water, the EPA, denying climate change and shoving their Americanized gun toting, child smacking, corporate Jesus the executioner down our throats.

Looking good. like the Benghazi whore they are.

The GOP 2014 mandate shows that the way to get out the vote is to slap African Americans and Latinos around as hard as they can to get out their gerrymandered white vote. And it is working, so far anyway.