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Republican Cartoonist Chuck Assay Helps suprress the Vote

Research has found that voters are 39 times more likely to be struck by
lightning than commit voter fraud at the polls, and 3,500 times more
likely to report a UFO encounter.

This political cartoon category defines the cartoonist Chuck Assay better than the content.

We see these same kind of political cartoons from other other two top tier conservative buffoons, Rameriz and McCoy, but this one takes the cake. Those suppressing the vote are the victims, while those trying to protect the vote of the old, the young, the infirm, the poor, the working poor and minorities are the fascists. The opposite of the truth, the anti-truth. Made popular and acceptable by Fox News. To the truth of the matter here you go…  The Brennan Center

Republicans have managed to once again win the name game. This business is "Election Fraud" not "Voter Fraud". They have bundled all forms of "election fraud" into what they call "voter fraud", or pretending to be someone other than how you are at the table in front of the machines, which is not a problem.

Why have these now 29 Republican states enacted various forms of suppressing the vote?

Because Republicans know that these laws give them a 3% advantage in elections. It came to light in Texas in a 1997 election and is now Republican Gospel.  In this election cycle these laws will keep 5 million young, old, poor, working poor and minority voters from voting. The vast majority of whom are not Republicans. It will shave a few percentage points off the Democratic side of the 2012 Presidential election. This of also reminds us of the difference in the names, Republicans and Democrats. 

And more importantly, how do these now 29 Republican led states get away with passing these laws and getting public support for doing so? I mean talk about READ YOUR CONSTITUTION!

First off these voter suppression laws only get enacted when a State has a Republican Governor, Republican Attorney General and Republican control of both Houses of the state legislatures. That right there should ring Hell’s bell for you.

Requiring photo ID does nothing at all to defeat VOTER FRAUD, voters are not standing in line pretending to be someone they are not.  What very little election fraud that exists in United States comes from:

Errors in poll books
Errors in registration records
Birth date problems
Partial matches
Misspelled names
Death records
Criminal records
Returned mail
Unusual addresses
Voter mistakes


Have to say that again…


To add insult to injury, Republicans in these states have also passed laws to suppress the vote by curtailing early voting. This is especially true for those states who have closed early voting on the 3 days before a Tuesday Election which specifically targets the working poor who cannot get off work on Tuesday to stand in long lines, or African American church goers who use church transportation to vote on Sunday after church. The GOP says it’s only to give poll workers time off before the rush. Yeah Right.

And of course the coup de grace in all this, Republicans passing such draconian fines and jail sentences at 3rd party voter registration organizations that the League of Women’s Voters have dropped out of the process in some states.

How do they get away with it?  How can Chuck Assay make those suppressing the vote the victims and those protecting the vote the enemy?

I think that if you lean back, close your eyes, and think it out, in a matter of seconds you will find the truth. That suppressing the vote comes from the same gene that drives the very life force of Republicans. SMALLER GOVERNMENT, LESS GOVERNMENT, LESS SPENDING, LESS ENTITLEMENTS, LESS RETIREMENT, LESS HEALTH CARE, LESS UNEMPLOYMENT, LESS WAGES… And who is it ya think that gets all the LESS? Anyone?

In a system that already deals out so much LESS that even with having more people in prison than any place in the world, we are not only afraid to go for a walk in the evening no matter how many we put away, but we also now need 20 round clips for our handguns and 40 round clips for our assault rifles in our ever growing personal armories.
But Mommy, the Emperor has no clothes!  Shutup kid!