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Republican Columnist David Brooks eviscerates Idaho Republican Paul Labrador on immigration bill

brooks immigrationOH oh! David Brooks is in trouble with THE BASE.  I am surprised we haven’t already heard from Sarah Palin calling him names yet. Sarah is now talking about joining up with talk show host Mark Levin to create a 3rd Party, mostly because of this very issue! Go Sarah! She intends to call it the FREEDOM PARTY. Freedom for White Wing religious idiots to deny freedom to everyone else. And there are a lot of them. Her problem of course is that such people already own the GOP. So what’s the point?  Just to split the GOP out of spite?  Could be.

David Brooks, George W Bush and the country club Republicans who need cheap caddies and busboys aside, this immigration bill has as much chance of getting through the Republican controlled House as does updating new laws concerning voter suppression in the South. NIL. NAUGHT. ZIP. NADA.

Down here in Dumbutt the citizenship issue aside, we are hearing quite a bit about turning the border into an ever more dangerous militarized zone. The bill calls for doubling border agents from what is said to already be too many untrained nitwits with guns up from 10,000 to now 20,000 agents to 20,000 more running around making millions of Mexicans, Mexican Americans, Hispanics, immigrants, immigrants with no papers and me mad as Hell at the GOP.  So have at it  you nitwits.

If you have not heard, the new paradigm from the GOP is screw Hispanics, screw African Americans, screw the young, screw the poor, screw the sick and instead work on getting more of the angry White vote out to the polls and pass laws to suppress the minority vote.  Nothing new under the steamy Southern Sun. But it may well work in the short run.