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Republican Elevator, next stop down is Hell

Republican Elevator, next stop down is Hell

The list of Republican character traits is long; rounding up immigrants, race baiting, torture, carpet bombing, violence, misogyny, dick size, slutty wives and ugly wives which is the good stuff compared to the actual laws Republicans are after benefiting the rich over the poor, suppressing the vote for minorities and the poor, passing their bigot bills, privatizing Social Security and Medicare, and of course kicking 20 million people off of health care insurance.

The last time Republicans did anything nice or kind or helpful was in 1976 when Kansas Senator Bob Dole co-sponsored a beneficial amendment to the Food Stamp Act. Which not surprizenly very much benefited the farm state of Kansas. Since then the GOP has given 95% of Americans a poke in the eye and a kick in the pants. Oh, but they have given us Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and NRA Jesus which makes up for all of it.

And yes I know about the good things Ronald Reagan did, after all his first act as Governor of California was to take prescription glasses away from poor children and whose first act as President was to bust a union and hire scabs.