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Republican Employers telling employees who to vote for or else, Wolverton cartoon

monte wolverton election cartoon

This is more prevalent than one may think. I went through it with an employer back in 1980. Not only telling employees who they had better voter for but customers as well through political newsletters he would send with the updated price lists. He was most proud of dealing with South Africa during the sanctions. He was also investigated by the FBI for putting up reward posters for the Head of Jimmy Carter. Most memorable, with customers at a fancyass restaurant here in Dumbutt, he stood up, slammed his hand down on the table making all the silverware jump and a few water glasses tip, pointed above us and screamed, “THEY SHOULD HANG THAT MF CARTER FROM THAT CHANDELIER!”  I was speechless.  And then, he hired a Christian motivational speaker that I had to haul around for 2 weeks to give speeches to all my customers at dinners I had to plan.  It was so embarrassing.  Reagan won and the company went under two years later.