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Republican Immigration Reform full of Hoops and Hurdles, Sack Cartoon

immigration reform sack cartoon

As the plan progresses through Republican committees the hoops get smaller and the hurdles get higher, and soon there will be no incentive at all for those 11 million without papers to come forward.  The GOP game is to claim nothing action until our borders are secure. Which could take 100 years.

In my backpacking time through Mexico for a few winters, I went to quite a few small town parties down at the park in El Centro. Most sponsored by political parties. The PRI, the Communists and what have you. Music and speeches would bring in the people from the countryside. Many dressed in white, with the straw hats. We would often buy a table for a bottle of El Presidente and with local bilingual friends and invite the country people to sit and have a drink with us and talk. People with out much TV or radio, but they could read. What struck me was how these poor farmers had a better understanding of their local politics, politicians and political theory than most educated Americans I knew.  I suppose it is because when your life and family live on the edge of subsistence it is imperative to pay attention.