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Republicanism on the March 5/18/2009

A recap of Republicanism on the March – week ending May 17th 2009

Gallup Polls says majority of Americans now call themselves Pro Life, 51 to 44.  A ten point change! Though the polls to date show an even larger majority for stem cell research and choice through at least the 1st trimester. Republican Win

Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh face of the Republican Party with Colin Powell asked to leave. Republican loss

Barack Obama won the big game at Notre Dame this Sunday. As the nastiest of the Pro Life Republicans; Terry Randall (intolerance is beautiful) and Alan Keyes (Choice is worse than Hitler, Nazis and the Holocaust) leading the charge for Republican Big Government intrusion into our private lives outside the walls, inside the University the President spoke softly and intelligently to the abortion and other spiritural issues to ovation after ovation. Republican big loss.

For the second week in a row Republicans have managed to successfully change the issue from torture to whether Nancy Pelosi was or was not told about torture. This is Republicans using the hypocrisy issue. Republicans biggest issue is keeping big intrusive government out of our lives. While two of their central issues are about pushing big intrusive government into our lives; government denying equal rights to gays and criminalizing abortion. The Republican Party today flounders in such hypocrisy it’s a wonder they haven’t all descended into that 8th level of Hell. ( I looked it up, the 9th and last level is for traitors) Republican win.

Evangelical Christian homophobe, bigot and Republican Miss California, Carrie Prejean, was resurrected as a victim of the liberal bias gay loving media. No matter she spews her moderate beliefs in appearances on every Religious wingnut organization there is. But a good replacement voice for Joe the Plumber who recently left the GOP as a spokesman. Good to have some Donald Trump T and A in the mix doan ya know. Republican win.

Republicans for the third week in a row are laughing at EMPATHY. This week it was RNC Chairman Michael Steele who jumped on the GOP bandwagon of not only denigrating the concept of caring about anything other than oneself, but finding it laughable. Republican loss

Republican neo-conservative George Will penned a column defending greed and calling for more deregulation of markets.  Greed’s saving graces, By George F. Will, 05-18-2009   Republican loss