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Republicans Butthurt Over Amazing Unemployment News!

 Republicans Butthurt Over Amazing Unemployment News!

‘Notorious Ann’ Coulter and ‘Madcap Mitt’ Romney made some confident political predictions during the 2012 campaign. On the ‘Rewrite’  tonight, Lawrence O’Donnell revisits two of the most famous of those predictions which you may have forgotten, because it is embarrassing (at minimum) for Republicans to speak about them. In fact, most Republicans still remain blissfully ignorant – as if the words were never spoken.

Tonight, Lawrence gives us a delightful update, and a handy link to send to your own stubbornly forgetful Republican relatives and other deluded souls who vote on the wrong side of the ballot. As O’Donnell observes, it certainly won’t change their minds, but they can’t claim ignorance and most importantly you’ll feel terrific!
In a nutshell – appropriately enough: Ann Coulter predicted that if the GOP didn’t run Chris Christie, Mitt Romney would be the nominee, and they would lose. Guess who backed up the bus, rewrote the words of her forked tongue and became a Romney supporter?  You know how that one turned out.

Joy! It’s intermission, and we’re treated to a delightful mash-up of Mitt’s campaign gaffes. Sadly there wasn’t time for more than a peek. Just these few moments from the campaign trail tell you who the man truly is. The ‘white’ Romney relating to the people: “Who let the dogs out, Woof! Woof!”  The ‘honest’ Romney: “I’m not concerned about the very poor.”  The unforgettable debate moment when even Rick Perry – not the shiniest star on the GOP team, knew he was in the presense of true insanity. We see. Perry backing away from Romney’s extended hand, and his friendly challenge to a lil’ ol’ ten thousand dollar bet – during a televised debate!  There are many more. I believe that the extended version should be made into a Christmas edition.

Of course this is all leading up to the most important prediction made by Mitt Romney!
Candidate Romney told the American people that he could save our economy. If elected, he assured us,  unemployment would shrink to 6% by the year 2016 – or two years from NOW.

There’s more!  This is the good word you’ll want to share with all of your Republican friends and neighbors.
The Bureau of Labor and Statistics reports that as of last month – September 2014, the unemployment rate declined to 5.9%! This is two – count ’em two years ahead of Romney’s promised date!

I don’t know about you, but I have seen very little about what should be very good news.
If – by some chance, Romney had pulled it off (two years down the road) I’m fairly certain that billboards, magazines and Tag art across the land would remind people of the marvelous news.  The very least we can do is to share it with our Republican friends and neighbors, and maybe our Democratic co-horts who may not be aware. Just tell everyone to be on the safe side. FIVE POINT NINE is an accomplishment well worth celebrating!