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Republicans pray everyone but them will die, jones

It’s all over the media! Hohoho. Nutcake says world ends today! Bwhahaha! Crazy loon spends millions on signs saying Jesus is coming today! Hahaha. It so insane!  It’s crazy!  We all agree! 

BTW, the only difference between the insanity of hoping and praying that 6 billion men, women, children, babies and not to forget fetuses will not only die a horrible painful death but suffer eternal damnation as well is a few decades.

George W. Bush, a president of the United States, along with the majority of Republicans and all Evangelical Christians hope and pray a genocide of 6 billion people will happen in THEIR LIFETIME.

The only difference between all the present crazy insane crap we see on TV today and Republican theology are the words "TODAY" and "IN MY LIFETIME."

And to make matters even crazier, this repellent death dealing genocide is one of those things that is verboten to even mention by either elected politicians or the ad sponsored media. 

Jesus is now the guy who will descend upon Earth and murder every man woman and child EXCEPT evangelical Christians. And this nasty garbage is the central belief of those who have come to control one of the two political parties.