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Richie Rich Romney washed a shirt! Brainy Newt. Biden & Reagan’s bi-partisanship. Hardball

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If you thought you’d heard every variation of "I’m just regular folks like you!" from Mitt Romney, you are an optimistic soul, I’ll grant you that. Even we po’ folk are aware of the laundry services in hotels. I trust Romney hasn’t eschewed the finer establishments for a more authentic experience in the seedier parts of town. However, this does make for a harrowing ‘Mitt story.’ I can just see him re-telling this tale, holding a flashlight under his chin to set a spooky mood. There he was, all alone, no one but himself, his dirty shirt, an iron, numerous Secret Service agents and a concierge on call. Sends shivers down your spine eh?

The ‘intellectual’ of the Republican party is a real gas late at night when reportedly he has his most original ideas – and I suspect his babysitters wonder if they’re paid well enough to listen to much more of this genius at work.

In a speech honoring former Senators Bob Dole and Howard Baker, Joe Biden recalled when President Reagan called upon him to help make a decision, and the true – and now almost extinct, spirit of bi-partisanship reigned.