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Rick Santorum Booed in New Hampshire for bigotry

The lesson here is universal, if one is on the wrong side of an issue or policy, then one most lie, cheat, steal and play silly semantic gobbledygook games to argue the point. This dynamic becomes especially silly when religion enters into it. My God, the arguments against evolution and global warming are so pathetic that arguing with them can make one feel they are a bully in a special ed class. 

As you can see here, Santorum takes the question of why deny TWO gay people who love one another and want to make a life long commitment should not be treated like anyone else, including Rick Santorum. He answers by changing the question to group marriages and bigamy. WHICH is the very same process that caused SANTORUM to be defined as frothy anual juice when he compared gay marriage to "bestiality" and "Man on Dog" sex.

The arguments celebrating bigotry and religious intolerance have always been unreasonable, dishonest and ugly.