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Ridiculist: Morrissey Refuses To Appear On Jimmy Kimmel With Duck Dynasty Stars!

Anderson Cooper Ridiculist: Morrissey Refuses To Appear On Jimmy Kimmel With Duck Dynasty Stars!

At the last moment, Morrissey refused to be in the same studio with the Duck Dynasty stars, who the singer labeled 'serial animal killers,'effectively leaving Jimmy Kimmel in the lurch. The singer would not have crossed paths with the Duck dudes from Dynasty, but refused on principle…And possibly the misguided notion that he was more important and a bigger audience draw.  The family, who makes duck calls for a living, and star in an A&E reality show is wildly popular. Love 'em or hate 'em, they are authentic mountain folk. In a statement, Morrissey made it clear that he expected Kimmel to cancel the other guests. Jimmy wisely didn't, and Morrissey found another spot – on The Ridiculist.
