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To the Right of the Right of Lindsay Graham, Jordan Klepper Daily Show

What Republican wouldn’t want a ZERO from a human rights organization?

right to the right of lindsay grahamAfter watching this one, seeing the right of the right of the right of Lindsay Graham circling around to the left, it came to me that if we could somehow remove guns, god and racism from our politics everyone not working on Wall Street or sitting in a country club would be a Democrat.

Rick Santorum has decided to try playing the blue collar populism this time round. I wish him well. For I would much rather have a President Santorum than the Ayn Rand horror show of a President Rand.  BTW, hard core Libertarian Ron Paul denies Ayn Rand had anything to do with the naming of his first born. I suppose we must assume it was just a birth certificate error with a missing “y”?