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Right-wing cartoonist Ken Catalino doesn’t like Hillary

Right-wing cartoonist Ken Catalino doesn't like Hillary

It’s usually Michael Rameriz who takes right-wing political cartooning over the edge, but this one by Ken Catalino struck me as having no foundation in anything at all, why has Hillary Clinton stolen Christmas, yet alone EVERYTHING ELSE? Is this some sort of evangelical secret language that only they understand? And “The Gullible” full in the face of Donald Trump and Ben Carson fans, I mean wow. The funniest cartoons are the ones that hit closes to home, not the ones that make no sense.

And why is it that the top two right-wing cartoonists have Latino names when 75% of Latinos vote Democrat? Though we do have that same thing going on in the GOP nomination with Cruz and Rubio.

What do Mexicans and Central Americans think of Cubans? What’s with that. And why do we hear so little of late about Black Muslims. Where’s whatisname with the bowtie?