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RNC foils Tea Party nutcake candidate Tim D’Annunzio

Believe it or not, Tim is even crazier than he looks!

The Tea Party funded Republican candidate for North Carolina’s 8th district is ahead in the polls, more Rand Paul clown trouble for the GOP.

Though he seems to meld right into the Tea Tard mentality he is just too much for even the reactionary Republicans in Washington.

The RNC released the following information from a 1995 divorce proceeding from this Washington Post Article.

Seems Tim not only smoked pot everyday but was also a heroin addict. Which are the least of the accusations as neither makes one as nutty or stupid as becoming a Teabagger does.

Tim thought he was the Messiah, so he went to NJ to bring his father back from the dead. We assume he failed. He believed a 1000 mile high pyramid would fall on Greenland creating the New Jerusalem bringing forth the Rapture. It does seem to be melting. And not to let any of that be undone, Tim has the Arc of the Covenant buried away in Arizona! Well at least we know now what the trouble with Arizona may be. Heavy JuJu PooPoo in the ground. The judge wrote that D’Annunzio was a religious zealot who believed the government was the Antichrist. Much like not only Rand Paul, Ron Paul, the Libertarian Party and even (get this) the Republicans IN THE GOVERNMENT! No this is not a Monty Python Skit!

Here is the part I like best though. He contends he is a changed man these days because… Are you ready for this…  Tim had a religious epiphany since then! He got even more religious!

His politics seem no different than Rand Paul in wanting to eliminate the Department of Education and energy and the rest of the Tea Party silly business. Speaking of Silly Parties this is a Monty Python skit.