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Rush Limbaugh calling people Nazis Again, what about The Conservanazis

Rush Limbaugh began it with the term feminazi. He coined the word (or more likely stole it from a caller) in the late 1980’s when he was in Sacramento working for KFBK. This is the station where he gained his popularity by laughing and cheering as he read off names of gay men who had died of AIDS. A fine example of what Republicans consider good character and role model for our children. Limbaugh and others have been using the word daily for over twenty years and even managed to get it into the dictionary.

Pundits left and right complain of the NAZI suffix – but beyond feminists and fictional soup restaurants – it’s the Republicans who enjoy using it most often and scream the loudest when on the receiving end of it. Character matters.

So Rush Limbaugh who laughs and cheers at homosexuals who die a horrible death to AIDS is a hero to Republicans while women jousting for equal rights are NAZIS.

Let’s take a quick look at what NAZIS were all about shall we?

Pre-emptive War
Flag waving!
apital Punishment
My Country Right or Wrong
Extreme Right-wing Radio Propaganda
War Rallies
Anti Union!
Halting Immigration
Rounding up those without papers
Law and Order!
Largest prison system in the world
Rabid anti-Communism
The trifecta of Military, Religion and business

Murdering Jews

There you go, 21 out of 22 right down the line in agreement with Republicans should honk anyone’s horn. Conservanazis!

Contrary to the name National Socialist Party, Nazism had nothing to do with socialism – and everything to do with nationalism of shared power between the military, religion and business.

When the Nazis came to power they made labor unions illegal and imprisoned socialists, shot communists and intimidated liberals, educators, immigrants, smart people, homosexuals and Jews to such an unyielding assault or Right-wing propaganda that the majority of people in Germany succumbed to the media blitz which so demonized so many that millions were made into soap.

The problem here in America is that though they are not a majoirty, there are enough of them buying enough Twinkies to keep the media from giving the the crack over the head they so deserve.

We are now getting a close up view of these people as they have their tea parties, their birther rallies and now massing themselves into Town Hall Meetings. They are stupid, intolerant, racist, xenophobic bigots. Hyperbole you say?  I dare you to listen to Glenn Beck on the radio for just one hour. I double dog dare you! After an hour of listening to the callers to Glenn Beck come back here and read that sentence again. Hyperbole my ass! CONSERVANAZIS.