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Rush Limbaughs Head Explodes, tony auth

After hearing so much about how poor picked upon Rush Limbaugh is being treated so unfairly by the NFL for not letting him own some Negroes, I want to ask all his defenders, mostly at Fox News, how they would like it if Michael Moore bought the Wall Street Journal?  

It’s like listening to Sean Hannity yesterday… The never ending defense of FOX NEWS as the ONLY credible source of NEWS in America! First the repeated nonsense FACT that the White House makes more factual errors a day than FOX NEWS does in a year!  That kind of crap can get you pounding your fist on the dashboard let me tell you.

But the Screeching Point of the Day that was repeated every 5 minutes was that FOX NEWS, unlike ALL the other networks, IS NOT the mouthpiece of the President and his administration! FOX NEWS is the most credible, honorable, fair and balanced news organization in this great country of ours and that would never do such a thing! EIGHT FRIGGING YEARS YOU AND FOX NEWS WERE THE MOUTHPIECE OF THE PRESIDENT YOU LYING SACK OF SHIT!

My dashboard seems to be rattling and the radio is turning itself on and off with the power window buttons.
Listening to Talk Radio can be expensive.