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Russell Brand: :Propagandist Fox News More Dangerous Than ISIS

Russell Brand: :Propagandist Fox News More Dangerous Than ISIS

“The reality is that Fox News propaganda is more far-reaching.(than ISIS) “Their propaganda incites violence and incites violent policies. Their actions are far more dangerous than ISIS.” So concludes Russell Brand after anualyzing a world class rant by Fox “News Analyst” Judge Justice Jeanine,  a raging alarmist with an aversion to facts.

On Brand’s TREWS YouTube channel, he takes us through an unbelievable rant from Janine, whose irresponsible ravings, designed to drive up her ratings are not only fact-free and immoral, but genuinely dangerous.
Janine dehumanizes Iran as ‘The Devil’ and insists upon aggressive American re-intervention.

Brand asserts that America has been instrumental in the destabilization of the Middle East for its own purposes. They would do well without our beneficent intervention again. We played a pivotal role in the overthrow of Iran’s government, armed the Taliban and installed the Shah of Iran. Who could forget the invasion of Iraq based upon bald faced lies?!
Of course, the very people who told the lies and meddled in Iran’s government have very convenient memories.

Now – nothing less than blowing the country to Kingdom Come will do, for Judge Jeanine. Brace yourselves and dust off your bomb shelters. Jeanine  issues the threat that ISIS is coming to get us! We haven’t been under such threat since the Bush years, and the terrorism watch!   It is the beginning of the reverse Crusades – a claim pulled out of Jeanine’s nether regions, but designed to spread fear in Christian America. ! There is only one thing to do…
“Bomb Them! Bomb Them and Bomb Them Again!” The blood-thirsty shrew demands.

Russell Brand perfectly illustrates what a horrible ‘solution’ bombing is. “One should not think of a bomb as something that just blows things up.” He continues, “One should think of every bomb as a seed. A seed that then grows.
What grows out of bombs are the terrorists that hate you. What grows out of bombs are the terrorists that will come to get you throughout the world.”  Recalling the words of JFK, “When you make peaceful revolution impossible you make violent revolution inevitable.”

‘Justice Jeanine’ called ISIS a fanatical religious terrorist organization. Russell Brand accurately counters “So is Fox News.” He continues, ” The reality is that Fox News propaganda is more far-reaching. Their propaganda insights violence and insights violent policies. Their actions are far more dangerous than ISIS.”

This woman has bile to spare.Conveniently forgetting the recent apprehension of Benghazi ring leader Abu Khattala, and other successful anti-terrorist actions by the Obama adminstration, she lacerated President Obama on everything but his choice of ties.  As Brand aptly pointed out, Obama “looks knackered” these days. Cut him a break. For those who like that sort of thing – and there’s no sign Obama does, you can hire a woman to harrangue and whip you for a price. I presume it would be preferable to a tongue lashing from Jeanine. At least there is a ‘safe word’ that makes it all stop,