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Russian & Ukrainian Bizarre Awards from Tonight Show

Russian & Ukrainian Bizarre Awards from the U.S. & The Tonight Show
Jimmy reads off superlatives for some of Russia and Ukraine’s top politicians, including “most likely to eat charcoal briquettes as a snack.”  To explain a bit further, President Obama had to impose sanctions on Russian and Ukrainian officials.

To soften the blow of the sanctions, the U.S. gave out awards to the officials. These awards may take you back to your high school yearbook where students were named “Most likely to” generally followed by predictions such as ‘to succeed,’ ‘to become an astronaut’ or ‘to become a millionaire by 20 years old.’ Of course, depending upon your school, “Most likely to: could lean toward ” bite head off live chicken,” or “Most likely to enter show business – with a chicken.” It sounds as if the leaders in question attended the latter.

The officials  you’ll meet here received superlatives such as: “Most likely to consider a headlock foreplay.”  If you’re like me, this is the first time you’re actually seeing some of these officials. Now we can put a face with the name, and an unforgettable piece of their private life or personality as well!