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Sam Bee goes Full Frontal in New Hampshire Primary with Cruz, Rubio, Trump, Carson and Christie

Sam Bee goes Full Frontal in New Hampshire Primary with Cruz, Rubio, Trump, Carson and Christie

Samantha Bee gives the Republicans in New Hampshire the  hilarious Full Frontal treatment -Ted Cruz, Chris Christie, Donald Trump and  Ben Carson all made big news – for all the wrong reasons.

If things are tough on the campaign trail, a shot of Rubio’s exhausted and disgusted family and Ted Cruz pawing his overworked and screaming daughter for the camera, tells you why it’s infinitely better for this pair to be in a cheap hotel eating stale sandwiches than home in the bosom of their families. What isn’t seen is a frame after Ted Cruz mashes the crying girl, she flicks him away – like a booger.  Also, an interview with Heidi Cruz gets real when she is asked the very question we all really want to know.  She’s successful, smart, attractive – why?

For my money, nothing quite beats Marco Rubio standing tall and vowing to defend women from Hillary Clinton and abortions that are done on full-term babies!