This piece from Full Frontal with Samantha Bee is worth watching just for the video of these white guys singing NOBODY KNOWS THE TROUBLE I SEEN. It makes Lawrence Welk look like ACDC.
Secondly, I have no idea where this piece came from. I watched the show and did not see it. But she is wearing the same outfit so it is not a rerun. It must have come from God, an old white guy. Who, come to think of it, is the only entity more vindictive that Donald Trump.
But the fun is Bo Bice, a once second rate reality TV star. Right in front of him, a black employee at a Popeye’s said to another employee, “He’s already got his, that white boy over there.” And here we find him in a recent TV interview actually crying about it. And suing. And making a BFD on social media which seems to have backfired and is what made him cry.
So we have poor Bo Bice on the one hand and Emmett Till on the other.

With no cameras or microphones around when asking my slew of deplorable friends why they voted for Trump the most often reply was “REVERSE RACISM.” They really believe it.
In 2008 I was an adamant Hillary backer, even caucused for her. Because I believed that no matter how much I liked Obama, a black man in the White House would cause profound trouble. I was thinking more in terms of assassination, impeachment, white riots and off year election backlash success for the GOP. Well, it turned out much worse than that. It handed over the United States so a psychotic buffoon for at least four years, and to the ever growing extremist Republican party for a generation. Or two…