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Samanthat Bee says FK the prayers and vigils, solve the problem

Samanthat Bee says FK the prayers and vigils, solve the problemSam is angry, so am I, in every aftermath of these massacres listening to Republicans, the NRA and reading comments around the internet I find myself wondering if the door to Hell may have been left ajar.

The good news is that the numbers of gun enthusiasts are greatly exaggerated.  Only 39% of Americans even own a gun, and about half of them are like myself with a couple shotguns for bird hunting or old handmedowns.  Even 80% of gun owners agree with closing the gunshow loophole, more background checks and extended magazine limits. The general public on those issues are up around 90%.

I also just read that there are about 20 million assault rifles out there. With about have owning more than one of them, that leaves about the same 10 million people who are consumed by fear, hate, paranoia and guns. But they always vote, so make up about 10% of the voting population in general elections and about 30% in off year and local elections.

The Republican Party could care less about guns, or abortion, or Jesus they just want those diehard voters on their side because there are only so many rich a whole voters. They have to make up for that somewhere, and anyone smarter than a boiled carrot aint buying.

Sam Bee began by setting a rule as to who should not be allowed to have a gun – those who don’t have even one friend who will take a picture of them.  Let me add to who else should not be allowed to have a gun:

Anyone who really really wants a gun.
Anyone with a face tattoo.
Anyone wearing a camo baseball cap.
Anyone who displays a confederate flag.
Any single male under the age of 35.
Any male over 35 who still lives with his parents.
Anyone who admits to listening to Alex Jones.
Any veteran with PTSD.
Any member of the NRA.
Ted Nugent and George Zimmerman.
Anyone with an IQ under 90, see above.

If I forgot anyone let me know.