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Santorum is Evil, Dumb & Bad for America, Christians cheer as protestors brutalized

Rick Santorum made a little stop in Tacoma – ahem hello – to protest the same sex marriage bill which was signed in WA state today. Santorum and his ‘Pro Life’ supporters cheered as cops ripped ‘Occupy’ protestors out of the crowd during a rally, wrestled them to the ground, kicked them, handcuffed them, and finally tased them while they were bound and lying on the ground.

What did the miscreants do to earn them this rough treatment that the Santorum crowd enjoyed so much? One woman was arrested for throwing glitter…Oh the horror! Two men were charged with disorderly conduct or assault. No ‘assault’ was seen. Perhaps ‘assault’ is the new definition for disagreeing with Santorum, whose name still brings a frothy image to mind.