Here is just one minute of Sarah Palin’s 34 minutes – she went 20 min over the 15 minute limit – of mindless Chillbilly homilies at Steve King’s Iowa Cantaloupe Caucus, the only response from the DNC came in just a two word tweet. THANK YOU.
Keep in mind this was an event organized and sponsored by Iowa Congressman Steve King who is easily the most bigoted anti immigration Republican in congress and most universally reviled by the American Hispanic community. It’s no wonder Jeb, Mitt and Rand did not show up, but before the list of those Republicans who celebrate Steve King a reminder of just one example of just how profound and stupid his bigotry is.
“For every child of illegal immigrants who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there who weigh 130 pounds and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.” Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa).
And he doubled down on it! So follows here the list of Republican presidential hopefuls who have no problem with that. Notice who is first on the list. They need a woman up on stage at the coming GOP debates, and my guess is she will be it. Though any blond woman in a red dress with faraway eyes will do.
Congressman Marsha Blackburn
Congressman Rod Blum
Ambassador John Bolton
Gov. Terry Branstad
Dr. Ben Carson
Gov. Chris Christie
Senator Ted Cruz
Senator Jim Demint
Congressman Jeff Duncan
Senator Joni Ernst
Carly Fiorina
Gov. Jim Gilmore
Speaker Newt Gingrich
Senator Charles Grassley
Gov. Mike Huckabee
Senator Mike Lee
NH State Rep. William O’Brien
Gov. Sarah Palin
Gov. Rick Perry
Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds
Senator Rick Santorum
Donald Trump
Gov. Scott Walker.
The pundit consensus for the Cantalope Caucus is that though Ted Cruz gave the most rousing applause ridden speech, it was Scott Walker who did himself the most good. Speaking of faraway eyes…