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Sarah Palin ignores Annoying Little Mosquito, Bill Maher

Isn’t it obvious from the following quote that Sarah Palin – after her overnight trip to India and Israel has been broadened by travel? Worldly Sarah now refuses to indulge in petty name calling and muck raking with Bill Maher – who referred to her as a "dumb cluck" or twit, as you can see in the clip. Palin is above all of that, it’s obvious in her remarks about the "annoying little mosquito" and the "little fella’s comment." You betcha, she is most definitely not responding to "the little fella" who didn’t get under he skin at all, reinforcing our ideas that she would be wonderful in a position involving international relations. Sarah would excel anywhere a cool head is necessary, either as President or Secretary of State perhaps?

Upon my return from an outstanding and productive trip to India and Israel, I’ve been inundated with requests to respond to petty comments made in the media the past few days, including one little fella’s comment which decent people would find degrading. (I won’t bother responding to it though, because it was made by he who reminds me of an annoying little mosquito found zipped up in your tent; he can’t do any harm, but buzzes around annoyingly until it’s time to give him the proverbial slap.)"