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Sarah Palin on Syria, Let Allah Sort it Out

let allah sort it outBig question for all of us. What do we do if we agree with Sarah Palin?  Do we lie about it?  Do we cry?  Do we shoot ourselves?It’s a tough call I am going through at the moment. And here I am broadcasting it. OMG.  How embarrassing.

The world doesn’t want anything to do with it, and either do most of us.  Didn’t we go through this with WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION that everyone agreed Iraq had but did not.

But boy of boy, can we allow nations to use death gas on women and children without a whack in the face?  Why are we on the side of al Qeada, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the rest of the rebels who -like their counterparts in Egypt – want to revive a theocracy of Sharia Law, amputations, vaginal mutilation, beheading and stoning women to death? And what about Israel? I just heard Syria say that if we bombed them they will attack the Jews! Which will then escalate and who knows, perhaps the entire Middle East will go up in radio active smoke. Hmmm… Oh no, I am at taht dark place again.

But you know, when find myself saying LET ALLAH SORT IT OUT as I have on numerous occasions over the last 20 years, upon deeper reflection I do come to understand it is the dark side of me, pandering to the low end of humanity and meeting up with the black heart of Republican ideology.

I wonder if it were Mitt Romney about to bomb Syria if Sarah Palin and so many Republicans would be against it?
With that said my hope has always been that religion will step in to help us reflect upon violence and war to put on the brakes, rather than floor the damn thing.