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Sarah Palin’s Prim, Proper ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Taps Hillary Clinton

Sarah Palin's Prim,Proper ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Taps Hillary Clinton
Sarah Palin graciously accepted the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, when the Wasilla Arctic Cats challenged her. She also agreed to donate to the Pete Frates #3 fund, but she made it clear that there would be no undignified wearing of buckets on her coiffure. Said Palin, “Of course I accept, I’m too old for this. At this stage of my life and my career.  Hillary can take care of that part of it for me.”  She continued, “I’m going to double the amount of the check” then I’m going to show you what MY ice bucket is tonight. We soon learn that Palin plans to perform her challenge with style and grace.

By way of introduction. Sister Sarah tipped her hat to Patrick Stewart “for reminding everyone with his video that the donation is the most important part of the #icebucketchallenge, not the frivolous water-tossing theatrics that those of us who are more thoughtfully serious choose to forgo.”

Sarah Palin begins her video by making the kind of statement one would expect from the “thoughtfully serious” sort of donor.
“I’m a little too prim and proper for all that ice,water, bucket-dump thing” said Palin. That said, Sarah’s video is the epitome of ‘prim and proper’ with a formal table setting and colorful background to highlight her classy take on the challenge. No bucket over the head for her,  Sarah deliberately and daintily uses tongs to place ice from a deer antler ice bucket into a glass. (I must have one of those ice buckets – anyone? ) She then fills the glass with Dr. Pepper – (label toward camera for product placement credit perhaps?) As a professional spoiler, I can say that the big surprise (or so she thinks) is her climactic challenge to Hillary Clinton and to Senator John McCain.

Don’t touch that dial, there is yet one more rather stunning surprise in store!

The ALS Challenge has been wildly successful, having raised approximately
$2.5 million, or about 3 percent of its earnings so far since July 29th.