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SCOTUS: You TOO may be strip searched for ANYTHING, anytime!

If this sounds like an alarmist overreaction, watch the story of Mr. Albert Florence of New Jersey. When his wife was pulled over for a routine traffic stop, police found that Mr. Florence – at one time, had incurred a minor traffic fine. Not only had he paid it, he had the receipt in his wallet as proof!

Because some police are pigs, and SCOTUS has allowed them to strip and hold us without provocation or suspicion, the innocent man was subjected to two different and extremely thorough strip searches that day, and held for several days.

RJ Adds: The five Republican Justices voting for big intrusive government. Freedom and liberty my ass. Where is that old quote of mine? Ah here it is…

“I think that anyone who wants to shove stuff up their butt should be able to keep whatever it is they stick up there.”