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Screaming Joe Walsh attacks his own voters

Screamin’ Illinois Joe Walsh is a great name for an old style blues singer. Sadly Congressman Joe Walsh has no talent in that line, but he has the screamin’ down – oh yah!

Welcome to "Coffee With Joe," clever title hey? Just a friendly little coffee klatch with the Family Values Republican and his stoic and loyal constituents. They are free to ask question, and maybe share ideas! Following is a bit of the most recent of these "passionate spirited affairs" with an "accessible congressman."

"Don’t blame banks. Don’t blame the marketplace. "I am tired of hearing that crap!" "It PISSES ME OFF!" You wanna bombard them with MORE regulations, MORE government?"
"TOO MANY PEOPLE DON’T LISTEN! YOU WANNA BOMBARD THEM WITH MORE REGULATIONS. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?" I NEED MORE COFFEE ! Hint: As one person found out, the question repeated thrice was rhetorical. Attempting to answer it will get you thrown out, as promised by Mr. Accessible.

I know, he sounds abusive – but that is simply passion! As he explained to Cavuto, there is a laughably simple reason for that, he’s really a cuddly wussy cat with many good qualities! He is loyal. Almost no one is more loyal to the Wall Street Fat Cats, corrupt bankers, and the 1%. I suspect the Koch Brothers are on his prayer list as well. He is a Family Values Conservative with all that entails, and if that means refusing to pay $114 thousand in child support, he has a good reason. He is teaching his own children how to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Any other questions? I thought not!

RJ Adds: Are you listening Herman?  Here you go, the too much coffee defense! It will work on the Republican Base! Anything will work on the Republican Base.