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Sean Hannnity and Dinesh D’Souza April Fools

Hannity and K'Souza april foolsJust the picture of these two morons together is enough to define not only the Indiana attack on gay and lesbian marriage, but on the clown car that drives the entire GOP, for remember, all Republican presidential hopefuls agree with these two bozos on this.

Their defense is that liberals ignore what Muslim theocracies do to gays in their own countries. WELL I DON’T. I talk all the time about the intolerance, bigotry, hate and violence inherent in religion.  And besides that is meaningless tripe as we have no ability to affect their brand of Sharia Law. But we can oppose our brand of Sharia Law here in Indiana and now Arkansas. Hey I thought Republicans were passing laws against Sharia Law not for it?

No Homos in IndianaI am not so sure I am against these Christian Sharia laws. For not only is it bad politics for them, but as we see on the state level, it’s like wearing a big sign “WE ARE BIGOTS!”

What we need to do is append these laws to bring this bigotry down to a more individual and personal level. If you are a business owner who wants to discriminate against gays or lesbians, be required to put a big NO HOMOS sign on your door, on your delivery truck or forehead. Hey, like Hobby Lobby, Chic Fil A and Cracker Barrel it will bring long lines of bigots outside your door. Its a win win.

It is a good thing that we find out who these Christian bigots are. After all more than likely it is the same people who have home armories with assault rifles laying around the kitchen and it’s best to keep our children as far away as we can from such people.

What’s the worst thing that can happen?  LOSING A CHILD.  The dumbest thing in the world, is having your child go play at a home you know is full of guns. As dumb as it gets. Well that and vacationing in the Middle East…