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Seattle cops assaulted 84 yr old woman with pepper spray

Overjoyed at digging up their WTO storm trooper suits and loading up the huge pepper spray hoses and riot gear, the Seattle cops hit the streets to battle the miscreants. Here is one who got the full treatment – and it’s okay, we wouldn’t have met Dorli Rainey otherwise.

Dorli Rainey stopped to talk to friends at the wrong moment. Also caught in the blasts of pepper spray were a pregnant woman and a priest – rowdy drug-crazed, free-loading undesirables, typical of Occupy protestors. Seattle police waited until the crowd announced they were dispersing to move in and assault them, Rainey was knocked to the ground after a blast of pepper spray and missed being trampled due to the kindness of another ‘derelict’ in her immediate vicinity.

It’s a pity more people won’t hear Rainey talk about propaganda. She vividly recalls that in Germany all newspapers were banned but for one propaganda sheet. We Americans would never tolerate that kind of government control. We do have heavily edited and pre-digested partisan ‘news’- Fox comes to mind, and fluff that passes for news. Kim Kardashian’s reports from the vapid accomplishes the same function as shiny keys dangled in front of toddlers to distract them, while the ‘real world’ goes without notice.

Tomorrow protestors will march the world over on the Day of International Activism. Dorli Rainey would advise you to "Take one step out of your comfort zone." Besides, she’s a self-confessed "Old Lady in Combat Boots" who has seen what happens when people blind themselves to injustice and evil. You just might meet some interesting drug-crazed undesirables too.