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Sept 11th: The craziest conspiracy story yet…The facts.

With the recent anniversary of President Obama’s ballsy raid on Osama Bin Laden, questions about 9/11 are raised again. Here’s everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes. When the facts are laid out, it seems impossible and improbable that the attack on 9/11 could have been conceived and carried out successfully. At the very least, it could quite possibly have been prevented.

There’s always a silver lining – even in that enormous noxious cloud. Just ask Donald Rumsfeld, who was saved from financial malfeasance charges by the explosions. When I put on my tin-foil hat, I generally ride the hobby horse of the ignored warnings (indicating a chance to prevent the entire mess) read by the FBI, and tossed into the waste bin, on orders from higher authorities…So say the agents who were fired for insisting that it was important information.

Toward the end of his reign, King George casually admitted he was not interested in pursuing the mastermind of 9/11 – or was the real mastermind much closer to home?