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Kimmel: Gingrich says good-bye, the unseen video

A good-bye speech seems a bit misleading coming from Newt Gingrich. How can we miss him if he won’t go away? He may be dropping out of this race, but he never goes out of the public eye. Like the man in the moon, he merely waxes and wanes, but the big cheese ball is always looking down on us from on high, awaiting another opportunity to dazzle us with his perceived brilliance, oddly disguised as baffling Dickensian bullcrap. The kids can breathe a little easier, as can union janitors, but we’ll never forget  Newt’s plan to give third graders a chance to pull their weight, and learn a trade!

Kimmel: Gingrich says good-bye, the unseen video

A good-bye speech seems a bit misleading coming from Newt Gingrich. How can we miss him if he won’t go away? He may be dropping out of this race, but he never goes out of the public eye. Like the man in the moon, he merely waxes and wanes, but the big cheese ball is always looking down on us from on high, awaiting another opportunity to dazzle us with his perceived brilliance, oddly disguised as baffling Dickensian bullcrap. The kids can breathe a little easier, as can union janitors, but we’ll never forgetĀ  Newt’s plan to give third graders a chance to pull their weight, and learn a trade!