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Shirley Sherrod NOT the menacing racist orginally shown to be

In Shirley Sherrod’s edited speech to the NAACP she admits she did not give all the bureaucratic help she could to a white farmer who had taken an air of superiority toward her.

I got linked to Andrew Breitbart’s website biggovernment.com. The link to this blog was in a comment to an article called "Rush: Breitbart was exactly right". The comments were just what one would expect from that silly sector. No matter they watched the unedited version, Shirley Sherrod’s speech was racism and Shirley Sherrod is a racist.

What twist of logic, what smash mouth reasoning, what brain dead twaddle could possibly cause such people to hang on to such an outright lie? The answer from the pundits inside the beltway is that well meaning people just want less government and debt relief for the children and grandchildren. They don’t give a damn about the $1 trillion spent on war, the $3 trillion debt caused by the tax break for the top 2%, or their children and grandchildren even surviving the environmental disaster on the way. No, cable news is crap meant not to offend consumers or voters. The reality outside the beltway is more than obvious. It is RACISM. They should make a movie about race and the Republican Party. They could call it DO THE WRONG THING.  

All day today, MSNBC has been calling her edited speech "menacing racism". They do it over and over and over.

Well praise the Lord and pass the crank! At least we have a working definition of MENACING RACISM now! ONE black woman not giving ONE uppity white farmer the full extent of her bureaucratic expertise! Oh the horror.

As opposed to 200 years of slavery, 150 years of Jim Crow, 5000 lynchings, tens of thousands of cross burnings, todays’ economic segregation, racial profiling, and this constant racist game play from the Right.

This issue of reverse racism is certainly nothing new, in fact there is a long over used generic name for it.

False Moral Equivalency

Which is a rather large and somewhat intellectual way of putting things. It now brought to my attention that this stuff here gets out to those nasty silly places, I sure doan wanna sound to smart! They hate dat! I want to more better fit in. The last thing I want to do is phis anyone off.