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Should Bin Ladens photo be released to make goulish Americans happy

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CIA Director Leon Panetta leaping ahead, said on Tuesday the pictures would be released. Now some people are angry and disgruntled to learn that they won’t get to view the gruesome glossies after all. In their minds it isn’t morbid or ghoulish, but one does wonder why they feel an entitlement to see the photos, what could be the harm, and what could be the good of seeing them? In what way would our lives be enhanced?

Of course President Obama and Chris Matthews frame the question and the many variables in the answer much more elegantly than I. Having said that, all you really need to do is ask yourself what your brother-in-law, or another numb-nuts would do with that photo and Photoshop

We’ve learned that when even one person crosses the line of disrespect, people lose lives. We saw it happen when one wacko simply had to embrace his freedom of expression by burning a Quran – people died. How much worse would the freedom to enrage millions of people be?