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Shut Up Ted Nugent is Talking, Pony Death Ride

“I’m a damn nice guy, and if you can find a screening process more powerful than that, I’ll f*** you n the a**, how does that sound?” Ted Nugent being as nice as he can be

shut up ted nugentThere can be no argument that Ted Nugent is the most disgusting human being in American politics. No one comes even close. After all, who else brags about shooting cats and dogs and getting an erection when using a machine guns to kill animals? Well okay, Sarah Palin comes close.

But let’s see of we can find the the top 9 runner-ups no matter. I am having trouble with the order so I will use bullets rather than numbers.

The Ten most disgusting Republicans in America:

1) Ted Nugent
Rush Limbaugh
Ann Coulter
Ted Cruz
Michael Savage
Bill O’Reilly
Dick Cheney
Sarah Palin
Mel Gibson
Sean Hannity

Any addition or a firm order? Do keep in mind that a viable list has to include those who are known with some modicum of power.