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First Lady, Chloe Moretz in Funny or Die Snackpocalypse Flick!

First Lady,Chloe Moretz Star in a Snackpocalypse World by Funny or Die

In this Funny or Die satire which draws on films and TV shows such as “The Walking Dead,” “Mean Girls’ and “The Hunger Games,” Cloe Moretz stands alone…Usually munching an apple or a carrot, and looking stunning.
“After the war, everything changed,” narrates actress Chloë Moretz, 17, at the start of the three-and-a-half minute spoof “Snackpocalypse.”  “They promised us revolution. They brought us revolution for their promise.”

An unscrupulous class president candidate promises pizza parties and junk food in vending machines – with money to buy it all. Only Chloe’s character is unmoved – different, some say. Her classmates soon divide into new groups. The candy club, pop rockers and the pizza pals among others. Soon, the sugar glutted junk food zombies aren’t a pretty sight.

The spoof is timely in that students are returning to school this month, and there is an ear-splitting backlash over school meal requirements, a project which has been of special interest of Michelle Obama. The new standards are often met with the enthusiasm a vampire shows to holy water in a horror film. Far from filling student’s trays with tofu and sprouts, the new standards merely require an emphasis on more whole grains as well as  fruits and vegetables –  the latter, a category which no longer includes catchup.  Less sodium and lower fat are also required in the new standards.

At the end of the video, the First Lady is seen snuggling under a blanket watching the film while munching on a carrot..Of course. Disappointed, the First Lady asks her pals, “Don’t you hate it when trailers give away the whole movie?”