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SNL, CNBC Republican Debate, Rick Perry Meltdown, Nov 12 2011

In the real debate the memorable moment was when the audience applauded when Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry said they would bring back torture by water boarding. There were also applause when all of them except Paul and Huntsman said they would begin another pre emptive war, this time with the much larger and more powerful Iran. The Republican Party, not just the party for bankers, Christian intolerance, guns, electrocuting Mexicans and executions, but torture and preemptive war as well! How very well the GOP express Christian values and the very essence of what Jesus Christ was all about.

Herman Cain on sexual harassment accusations: For ever woman who has stepped forward there are two who have not!

Rick Perry: I would eliminate the departments of Education, Commerce and… Um… Marde. Look at Ron Paul’s his birdy little arms there! I can’t say stuff good.

Mitt Romney tells Ricky about the rabbits, the nice rabbits.