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SNL Cold Open: Obama and his Ebola Czar

obama ebola czarWhat is so very strange about all this is that the right-wing swill circut was screaming for an Ebola czar even though they hate Obama Czars even more than the real Czars of the past. And now that Obama has sucked up to them they are now kicking his ass for appointing on. And 60% of the people are listening to them.

What are they calling him now? Ebola Obama? Or is it Ebamo Eloba? Gosh… We often ask what has caused such a change in our political system over this last generation?  It’s Fox News and Talk Radio who have given a very loud voice to a wholes who before 1988 had to keep most of their right-wing swill among themselves.

There is big money in making a wholes feel good about themselves.